I just finished Notes From The Tilt-A-Whirl by N. D. Wilson.
The book is basically his thoughts about the world and how the things of this world relate to God. The book is broken up into topical chapters.
I did not like this book.
I thought that it was written irresponsibly.
It is written in a post-modern conversational style, similar to Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, of which I am not a big fan.
There was a mocking tone in his writing throughout the book. He seems to mock philosophy and science the most.
There was misinformation in the book; he didn't get all his facts right.
He falls into logical fallacy, especially the straw-man fallacy. I do not agree with Fredrick Nietzsche. But Neitzsche is not portrayed fairly in this book. Neitzsche was portrayed as a senile old bitter man. And because he was an old bitter man, his arguments should not be taken seriously. This is another logical fallacy, argumentum ad hominem.
Considering the book after I had finished it, I still couldn't figure out, (1) why he wrote the book, (2) who he was writing to and (3) what exactly he was trying to communicate.
I think the entire book can be summarized by the title of the book. The "Notes from the..." part of the title was taken from Fyodor Dostoevsky's masterpiece Notes From The Underground. "...the Tilt-A-Whirl" part of the title is taken from the ridiculous rides from amusement parks. That, in short, is what this book is; it is a ridiculous and trite treatment of some very serious things. (Sorry, this paragraph sounds really harsh.)
Overall, I do not recommend this book.
The writing usage and execution was good in the post-modern style. It is clear that he is a good writer.
But I thought the treatment of the material was irresponsible.
The pacing of the book was random and haphazard.
In short, the book was bad.
I do not recommend.
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